Monday, September 16, 2013

Dachshund skin problems treatment

Thai sulfur herbal formula for dog skin problems

Some of the signs of a skin disorder in your dog are skin rashes, hair loss, dry flaky skin and scabs. Dealing with skin problems affecting your dog is one of the more difficult problems for a dog owner. If your dog has any skin problems including dry or itchy skin, seborrhea dermatitis, flea bites, canine scabies, mange, ringworm, and bacterial and fungal infections. Finding relief for your dog is a major concern.

Sulfur , curcuma, zingiber and bergamot is a Thai home style formula that can be used to treat mange, eczema, psoriasis, ringworm, dermatitis, scabies and yeast infections. It also helps develop good and healthy skin and shiny coat.

Sulfur are needed to rebuild the damaged skin, with protection from lice, fleas, other external parasites, and many other skindisorders. Curcuma and zingiber also help to clean and smooth the skin. Bergamot juice helps to healthy and shiny coat.

Formula for 2 dogs (around 10 kgs.)
1. 1 tablespoon of sulfer
2. 1 tablespoon of curcuma powder
3. 1 tablespoon of zingiber powder
4. 2 bergamots

How to do
1. Mix each 1 tablespoon of sulfer, curcuma powder and zingiber powder

2. cut 2 bergamots in the half , squeeze for the juice and mix with the powder

3. put a small amount of water and stir until mixed

4. put this all over the dog’s body , specially the area that has diseases. Rub against the hair in order to put it directly to the skin. Be careful to prevent from the eyes.

5. leave it to dry around 1 hour and then take shower for the dog as usual

This can be done 1 times per week, and after a few weeks you will see that the symptom will be cured and your dog has better and healthier skin and coat.

If the dog has serious skin problem , you can put this everyday and leave it for 2-3 days before to take shower for your dog.

If the dog licks it from his skin, it’s ok. This is not dangerous because sulfur itself is needed in very small amount as the supplement. But DON’T let your dog eat it. (But my dogs don’t lick it, I think they don’t like the smell)

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