The skin condition is usually concerned about people in a purely cosmetic perspective, when the appearance of the animal deteriorates. That’s only if the owners of the animals and there is a lot of questions. Basically, all concerned about how to return to its original condition with the least loss of time and money. After all, it seems, what nonsense – there are sores, scratches, rashes, and anointed than anything and everything goes, whatever happened. If so. cover the entire surface of the body, the skin is a unique multi-functional organ. The most clear and distinctive function of the skin – is the protection and isolation of the internal structures of the organism from the environment, from its physical and chemical agents from penetrating into the body of bacteria and pathogens. The skin is involved in metabolism, consuming and displaying a variety of substances through its pores and glands. Skin is the closest genetic and functional relationship with the nervous system. Of the germinal layer of cells that form ectoderm, the outer part of the embryo, the neural tube is formed, giving rise to the central nervous system. Another part of the ectoderm is transformed into the epithelium, from which later forms the outer layer of skin. The nervous system reacts to changes in the exchange of hormones, most often the first signs of hormonal disturbances occur at the composition of the skin and its appearance. Appearance and condition of the coat are the factors that determine the health of the animal. For example, with infectious diseases of dogs there are abundant dandruff. And the cats once they get sick, the first sign, attention is drawn to the doctor, is a dim, huddled in a wool mat. As a rule, in the spring, the more frequent cases of seeking veterinary care about skin diseases of animals. Increased solar radiation will activate the function of the endocrine glands, hormonal activity, in turn, causes exacerbation of chronic processes. Parasitic diseases of the skin of pets often become chronic, because the spring and “get out into the light” as the young grass, old sores on the skin. Also at that time aggravating the situation and change the natural hair of animals. The most common diseases caused by fungi, and mange mites. Fungal diseases of pets, although they are a danger in terms of infection for people who are treated quickly and effectively if the disease is not running, and the animal is not weakened by infection or metabolic disorders. The following questions and answers about the treatment of fungal diseases of dogs and cats. It is more difficult to diagnosis and treatment of scabies in dogs caused by different types of mites. The most common such disease as sarcoptic mange, which is also called zudnevoy scabies. The main symptom of the disease – severe itching of the animal, in place of scratching a rash in the form of bubbles, covered with a crust. Scab disappears from the bubbles out purulent contents, glue hair. Then, the affected area dries up, covered with dandruff. A dog starts to bother itching to another part of the body. A lot of hassle and gives owners and animal ear itch – otodektoz. Parasitic mites in the ear canal, causing severe itching, skin lesions in the form of swelling, redness, and violation of its integrity. We should also be said about this itch disease such as demodicosis, the most dangerous diseases of long duration prolonged and complicated forms of the disease. Initially, the disease occurs in dogs in a scaly form, when the eyes, nose and ears appear bald patches of skin covered with small scales keratinized epidermis of gray, which can be easily removed. The disease progresses, and on-site lesions appear papauly – a rash of elevating above the skin bespolostnogo education. That is, quite simply, the skin is covered with crusts. After 3-4 weeks the scabs appear inside the cavity filled with a dense mass of gray-green color. After a week with a secret cavity bubbles burst, and congealed mass forms a scab on the body of a large gray-brown in color. During this period, the dogs deteriorated general condition, they are oppressed, no appetite, the animal begins to lose weight. In the absence of treatment in 1 to 2 weeks of a recurrence of the disease, the formation of new areas of affected skin, covered with a thick crust of frozen fluid. Comes from the dogs sharp odor of rotting with a sweetish taste, as from the corpse. When the body is affected most of demodex mites begin to migrate into the internal organs and even in internal organs, they do not breed, but may be long in the resting stage and have a sensitizing effect, ie, increased sensitivity to the effects of mites and their metabolic products. Treatment for all types of scabies should be comprehensive. In addition to the surface treatment of the body, it is desirable to produce animal products that improve fat metabolism. And with demodicosis used acaricidal means for systemic effects, which are given inside or introduced by injection.
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