Tuesday, September 24, 2013

In order for Golden Retriever Fur Stay Beautiful

In order for Golden Retriever Fur Stay Beautiful

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Who does not know the type of dog golden retriever? The dog was chosen so that pets have fur color kee-Masan, thick, and long. It is certainly not free from extra care cantiknya.Pecin fur-an-jing ta golden, Danang Siwi Nugraha, explaining the dog’s bathing can prevent from skin disease. Hair growth is also strongly influenced nutritional vitamins fur. So the bottom line is the most important treatment for dogs anjing.Bulu first brushed before bathing. To get rid of all the fluff that ron-tock, if there is tangled or matted hair should be straightened out first. If too matted fur can be cut. Tangled or matted fur that can withstand dirt and used a shampoo that resulted in fur will get tangled and cause skin problems later in life. “Furthermore, the round-eyed dogs bathe in a special place. But if bathed outside the bathroom or open areas like the front page, do not forget to tie it with straps that le-more easily controlled, “

Wet your dog’s body bit by bit. The head does not need to be soaked first happened because dogs tend to wag ger-right when his head hit the water. At the time of moistened dog muzzle and the head restraints so that he was not free to make a move mengibas.Gunakan dog shampoo that is not too hard and not painful on the eyes. If your dog has skin problems or fleas, use the appropriate shampoo. Could use anti-lice shampoo or shampoo to treat skin problems if the dog is experiencing skin problems. Apply shampoo evenly, starting from the back of the dog’s body to the front. Rub the shampoo lather up the dog’s body, “

Try to keep the foam shampoo does not get into the ear or to the eye dogs. At the head is recommended at the end of the wash, soaping begins with the body, tail, legs, up to the top of the next dog kepala.Tubuh rinsed and make sure no soap is left behind, as this will cause dandruff in dogs, causing discomfort when the body dog has dried. Next, spread your towel on the dog, and he let his body shook.

If the dog does not wag motion, inflatable ear by loud. Usually this step will make the dog perform the movement. If a dog has fur that is thick, squeeze the bristles of the head first, then to the back, abdomen and feet at the last. “Avoid using dishwashing soap, it is not allowed because it has content that is too harsh for a dog’s skin and can cause skin problems in the future, “the next dog jelasnya.Bulu dikringkan use special blower for dogs. When to use a hairdryer to watch the temperature, because if it is too hot will damage the dog’s skin and fur. Last comb back hair dog so neat. “Giving special nutritional vitamins fur is also recommended, to maintain the health of the hair to grow thick and healthy,”

Posted on July 2, 2013, in Health. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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