Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Dog Skin Problems

Dog skin problems is a nightmare to an owner. In spite of proper nutrition, perfect and conducive environment, sometimes our most beloved pet suffers from different skin related problems. Differentiation and identification of these problems are very much difficult. Here is a short discussion of of most common type of skin problems dogs suffers from.

Bacterial Skin Infections In Dogs (PYODERMA)

Pic Of Pyoderma

Pyoderma, a very common skin problem found in dog caused by Staphylococcus (S.intermedius). It is very specific to dog only and not contagious to other animal and human.

Signs: – All area of the body of a dog can be affected by Pyoderma but most prominent area is chin, called chin acne. Other part where it is usually observed is in between toes and on the calluses of the elbow which ultimately affects abdomen, especially in pups. Pug-nosed dog and dog with excessive skin folds are affected most and in those breeds this infection is most prominent on their face, lips and vulva.

Diagnosis:- Diagnosis is made from the case history and clinical symptoms and appearance of the lesions. For confirmation bacterial culture and drug sensitivity may be required.  Commonly, bacterial skin infection is caused as secondary effect of other diseases like allergies, hormonal disorder, compromised immunity etc; therefore, recurring pyoderma infection requires thorough investigation of any underlying diseases.

Treatment: – In preliminary stage of the disease shaving of hair in and the around the lesion followed by washing with antibiotic shampoo and application of antibiotic ointment is sufficient. For better recovery oral administration of antibiotic is mandatory. In recurring infection with no definable underlying causes staphylococcal vaccines could be a good alternative to long-time antibiotic treatment.

Some time long time antibiotics treatment both topical application along with oral administration is required for recurring infection. It should be noted that in this situation glucocorticoid steroid should not be administered.

Dog Fungal Skin Infections (Ringworm) 

Ringworm infection in dog

Microsporum and Trichophyton are the two primary species of fungi involved in skin infection in dog. This short of infection is most commonly is called “Ringworm” infection.

Signs: – Ringworm infection is most common among young dogs. The habitat of these fungi is dead skin, nail and hair. A common sign is hair loss followed by circular patched baldness. The center of the patch may look dry and crusty with scratching. Primary target of infection is head and leg but may spread all over the body if not take immediate measure.

Diagnosis:- Look of the affected and age is most common diagnosis factor of ringworm infection besides that test called “Wood’s Lamp Test” (UV light) may be used to detect if the infection is caused by Microsporum species. To be definite “fungal culture” test is required.

Treatment: – Removal of hair around the lesion followed by frequent bathing with fungicidal shampoo and topical application of anti fungal ointment is the general treatment procedure.

Caution: – Ringworm is contagious to other pets and human too. Infected dog should be quarantined for time being, this may be 2-3 months. Person treating the infected dog must be careful and always wash his hand thoroughly after treating the affected dog.

Dog Skin Allergies

Dog “hotspot”

Like human being dog also suffers from allergic reaction. Common signs are intense itching, nasal and eye discharge, sneezing with may or may not digestive disturbance, and skin lesions in advance stage.

Cause:- Allergy is just a hypersensitive reaction of immune system initiated by some foreign body called “allergen”. At any age this allergic reaction may be developed in dogs. One of a most common allergic reaction dogs develop is called “flea saliva”. A flea hypersensitive dog may be suffered intensely by the presence of single flea. Flea related allergy is climate dependent. Most cases are found in warm climate especially in tropical countries.

Atopic dermatitis, in short “Atopy” is an itchy (pruritic) skin disease.   Inhalation of allergen like house dust, pollen, molds initiates this short of allergic reaction. Dogs prone to allergic reaction due to chemical contained by flea collar, soap, shampoo etc is very rare. If occurs it is known as “contact  allergy”.

Signs:- Primary sign of allergy related skin problem is sever itching accompanied by red and moist patches called “hot spots”. Dog constantly scratch and lick the affected areas. Most common flea allergy starts over the dog’s back and near the tail. Pollen and dust induced allergy is evident on dog’s feet, chest, abdomen and face, where as contact dermatitis is mostly found on body part devoid of hair.

Diagnosis- Location of itching or lesions with previous case history helps a vet to detect the type of reaction. Trials of hypoallergenic diet helps to find out food related allergy. Allergy testing is also another way out to choose proper immunotherapy.

TreatmentsAntihistamines, corticosteroids drugs are two choices to give relief from intense itching.  This short of medicines should be administered to a dog after consulting a vet because the sever side effect of steroid. Corticosteroids are potent drug and should be used under guidance of a vet. Flea related allergy is controlled by killing the flea on the dog’s body and surroundings.  A correct identification of allergen through intra-dermal and blood testing leads to allergy control by immunotherapy.

                                         Dog Parasitic Skin Diseases

Mange Affected Dog

There is different type of parasite that could cause severe skin disease in dog. Among those most prominent are Fleas, Mange (caused by mites), Ear mites, Lice and Ticks. All of these are irritating and lead to self-mutilation.

Signs:- Most common parasitic infection is “mange”. There are two severe types of mange 1. Sarcoptic, 2. Demodectic.

Sarcoptic mange- Cause severe itching, crusting, hair loss. Commonly affects dog’s ear, legs, chest and abdomen.

Demodectic mange- Also cause itching, hair loss results round patches similar to ringworm infection. Skin becomes red and scaly. Common affected are is face and front leg. This type of mange is often a sign of hereditary problem or any underlying diseases.

Ear mite infection – Mainly affects ear with sever itching.

Diagnosis: – mange is diagnosed on the basis of appearance, location of lesions and case history. Skin scrapping test is an easy and confirmatory to identify parasite. Ear mite can be appearing as small white object. Sometimes black debris is seen in the dog’s ear suffering from ear mite infection. Ticks, lice and fleas are easily visible if the skin of the dog when examined carefully.

Treatment:- Mange can be treated successfully by clipping the affected area followed by antimite dips after a thorough bathing with shampoo. It is a time taking treatment which may take several weeks to cure. Sometime administer of antibiotics is required if  mange is accompanied with skin infections.

Ear mite treatment initiated with thorough cleaning of the ear sometime sedation is required to carry out the cleaning process. Topical application of ointment and solution that kills mites is sufficient to cure this short of infection.

Antiparasitic shampoo, dips, collar, foam, spray, powder are quite efficient to get rid off along with prevention of further flea, tics and lice infestation.

Hormonal Skin Diseases in Dogs

Hormone abnormalities related skin disease is very difficult to diagnose.  There are different types of glands like Pituitary, Thyroid, adrenal, ovaries, testicles etc. all are somehow related to each others, and therefore, detecting the main cause is quite difficult except determining the level of different hormones in blood.  In both “hypo” and “hyper” state of hormone level dog’s coat may be affected.  The skin may be thicker or thinner and change color and texture of coat may be prominent. Hormonal related skin diseases in canine can be much more sever and uncontrolled than other “skin problems”.

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