Thursday, September 12, 2013

How to Diagnose and Treat Your Dog"s Itchy Skin Problems

Diagnosing your dog’s itching, scratching and chewing as a skin problem is the easy part. The hard part is figuring out what is CAUSING it, and then finding the right treatment! Below is useful information on how to solve this predicament.


1: There are many differing opinions as to the causes and treatments of what is now called an epidemic of canine skin disorders, the itching, scratching and chewing commonly referred to as “Summer Itch Hot Spots”. The symptoms of canine Hot Spots are an itch so severe that the dog scratches and chews itself to such an extent as to lacerate and traumatize the skin, creating open wounds and severe infections. Because the etiology of the source of the itching is unclear, most treatments available now only treat the symptoms, infections, and trauma caused by the scratching, but do not address the itch itself.

2: These dog skin rashes are generally known as Hot Spots because these skin disorders are often associated with warm weather. Hot Spots are often diagnosed as Eczema, Pyoderma, or Seborrhea; allergies to fleas, foods, grass, mold, or other environmental substances; Pemphigus, Atopic Acral Lick Dermatitis, auto-immune disorders, thyroid problems, staph and yeast infections, and other skin disorders.

3: Itchy “Hot Spot” skin conditions must not be confused with mange or flea infestations, ringworm fungus, or hair loss caused by hypothyroidism, Cushings disease, genetically predisposed pattern baldness, rabies vaccine induced ischemic dermatopathy bald patches, or hormonally caused coat problems as a result of neutering. These are not “Hot Spot” itching and scratching!

4: Ringworm is not a worm, it is a fungus, causing itching, scabbing and hair loss in one or more areas on your pet. It is contagious and easily transmittable to humans and other pets. Treatment with a fungicide such as most athlete’s foot creams is usually effective.

5: Demodectic Mange and Sarcoptic Mange are Parasitic Mite Infestations and can be diagnosed by skin scrapings. Fleas and Mange can be successfully treated with Insecticides.

Demodectic (Red Mange) is caused by small mites found naturally on most dogs but do not generally cause skin problems unless the dog’s immune system is compromised. This skin problem may be inherited because certain bloodlines in some dog breeds are more prone to Demodectic Mange.

Democectic Mange is not very contagious and is generally passed on to nursing puppies by the mother and is most noticeable around the eyes and mouth. Most breeders will not breed these dogs.

Sarcoptic Mange (Canis Scabies) is very contagious and can be life threatening for the dog. It can easily spread to other animals and humans. Steps must be taken to eradicate the infestation in the dogs entire environment as well as on the dog and on any other pets that may be exposed to the infestation.

6: Thyroid hair loss problems are not caused by itching, chewing, and scratching but by systemic hair loss, a type of Alopecia or Balding.

7: If your dog is experiencing an extended bout of itchiness and scratching to the point of damaging his skin, take him to the vet for a proper diagnosis.

8: Use prescribed medication for your pet according to your veterinarian’s instructions, in order to control the itching and start the healing process.

9: Get a blood test to determine if your dog is allergic to anything.

10: Change your dog’s food to a holistic/organic food that is high in protein and low in carbs. This removes the GMO corn source from his diet that may be causing a reaction. Most dog foods at grocery stores have a very bad mix of ingredients and feeding him this food is akin to giving him Frosted Flakes or Lucky Charms cereals for each meal.


  • There does not seem to be a consensus as to the cause of “Hot Spot” canine skin disorders but they do have a common set of symptoms.

  • It appears that some dogs develop an itch so severe that the they chew and scratch and traumatize themselves to such an extent that this process causes open wounds, infections, loss of hair, and sometimes roughening of the skin (elephant hide).

  • The most common areas of irritation are around the back and tail, the abdomen, and the legs and paws. These symptoms seem to be more prevalent in warm weather and mild moist climates like the sun belt in the United States but are known world wide as far north as Alaska and as far South as South Africa and New Zealand. Research has shown this canine skin problem is world wide and affects many millions of dogs.

  • Statistically, no one breed of dog appears more or less likely to develop “Hot Spots”, and mongrels are just as likely to develop a “Hot Spot” skin condition as is a pedigreed show dog. Age also does not seem to be a factor, puppies can develop “Hot Spot” skin problems as early as a few months of age, and geriatric dogs may suddenly show signs of “Hot Spots” when they have had no previous history of any type of itchy skin conditions.

  • At this time there are a growing number of researchers that believe there may be a connection between the over-vaccination of the domestic dog population and the Epidemic of “Hot Spot” skin disorders. #2

  • Quite often, a dog’s skin problems become more serious and the dog may be ostracized by the family and even other pets as the skin problems become more visible and the dog’s skin may take on a very unpleasant odor. This can lead to the dog suffering serious depression that in turn aggravates the situation. Obviously, dogs feel the stress of being rejected in much the same manner as a human would.

  • Unfortunately, many dog owners at this point in time, may be faced with the heartbreaking task of choosing to have their dog euthanized to end the dog’s suffering rather than continue expensive and painful treatments that have not been successful in controlling the dog’s skin disorder . According to a recent survey of Animal Control Facilities many dogs suffering from out of control skin conditions are brought to public animal shelters where they are considered to be un-adoptable and many thousands of dogs in these shelters are euthanized for this reason. Many other dogs are also euthanized by private veterinarians to alleviate the dog’s suffering under the same circumstances.

1: If your dog is experiencing an extended bout of itchiness and scratching to the point of damaging his skin, take him to the vet for a proper diagnosis.

2: Use prescribed medication for your pet according to your veterinarian’s instructions, in order to control the itching and start the healing process.

3: Get a blood test to determine if your dog is allergic to anything.

4: Change your dog’s food to a holistic/organic food that is high in protein and low in carbs. This removes the GMO corn source from his diet that may be causing a reaction. Most dog foods at grocery stores have a very bad mix of ingredients and feeding him this food is akin to giving him Frosted Flakes or Lucky Charms cereals for each meal.


  • Because of the differing opinions as to the cause of this serious skin irritation problem, there are many different treatments prescribed by the veterinary community. The first treatment of choice is the steroid Prednisone, which may temporarily relieve the itch and inflammation. The use of steroids is a severe treatment and can result in serious negative side-effects, such as kidney failure, over an extended period of use. An antihistamine may also be used to quell a reaction.

  • The next order of treatment is usually an antibiotic or other treatment to fight infection because the dog has irritated the skin to such an extent that it is an open and infected wound. Analgesics and pain suppressing ointments may be provided as well. These treatments are only designed to treat the pain symptoms and infections and do not address the etiology of the problem or the cause of the itch. Some pain relief may be achieved but the itch remains and as soon as the pain relievers wear off the itch returns and the whole painful cycle begins again.

  • Some veterinarians believe that “Hot Spots” are the result of a sensitivity or an allergic reaction to some substance. Allergy tests and treatments with antihistamines, changes in environments, and special diets, including specially formulated dog foods, raw food diets and supplements are often touted as the cure for “Hot Spots” but these treatments are inconclusive as to their efficacy and statistically these treatments do not appear to help with these skin problems.

  • Over-the-counter remedies such as medicated or coal tar shampoos, Tea-Tree and Emu oil, Aloe Vera and other home remedies such as turpentine, petroleum jelly, mouthwash and vinegar are all part of a last ditch shot-gun approach to the problem that owners will often try in the hopes that something will work. Some flea shampoos will also further irritate open skin wounds.

  • At this time there is no statistical evidence that any of the above treatments actually work to control the itch problem. While some temporary relief may be provided by some of these therapies, it is usually only temporary unless the itch syndrome is controlled. Many of these therapies can also be harmful and threatening to the dogs health.

  • One can easily conjure up an image of a mad scientist, wearing goggles, a mask and rubber gloves, ‘treating’ an afflicted dog with useless shots, painful and dangerous chemical treatments, or shampoos so strong they advise against contact with human skin, then fitting the dog with plastic collars, taping the paws or putting on little gloves to prevent the dog from scratching and chewing itself raw. At this point you must ask yourself how you would feel if someone did that to you and then prevented you from scratching your itch?

  • About 25 years ago Cornell University Veterinary School in New York did a study of Canine Hot Spot skin treatments to determine if any of the treatments available at that time were effective in treating this disorder. The study found that all of the standard medical treatments employed in the study were inconclusive as to their efficacy and that 30% of the dogs recovered from their skin problems with no treatment at all! These are basically the same treatments being employed today!

  • This 30% recovery rate, with or without treatment, has given rise to a large industry of questionable alternative methods of treating this painful canine skin disorder. These alternative treatments are unsupported by statistical or scientific method as to their efficacy and are generally referred to in testimonials with little, if any, testing to back up such claims.

  • It is estimated that Americans spend more than $ 100 Billion Dollars a year struggling with these dog skin problems and it is also estimated that more than 50% of the total veterinarian income in the Southern United States is derived from treating “Hot Spot” dog skin problems alone.

  • However, don’t give up hope just yet! Recent scientific breakthroughs are giving real hope that there may be some actual relief in the future for the estimated 100 million or more dogs world wide that suffer from this painful problem. This research is published and readily available on the Internet by typing in search terms as – ‘Canine Itch Treatment Research’ or ‘Alternative Dog Skin Treatment Research’ on any major search engine.


  • Don’t use perfumed human shampoos; your dog may not be very happy with you if you do.

  • Bathing is good for itchy skin, just don’t use human shampoo. Human skin is acidic, dog skin is base.

  • Don’t over-wash: a bath once a month is all most dogs really need, some need even less.

  • Try to use holistic/organic products to eliminate allergens from GMO corn used in standard dog food kibble.

  • Look for a money-back-guarantee in case the product does not work as advertised.

  • Do your research, the internet is a tool, don’t be afraid to USE IT.

  • Don’t shave your dog’s fur. Dogs have long hair for a reason and a close clip is about all they can stand, even in the heat of summer.


  • Don’t be taken in by claims of cures without statistical back up; look for for more than product testimonials. Ask for information about products if the company is legit. They will be happy to provide you with scientific testing and statistics to back up their claims.

  • Steroids and antibiotics should be a last resort, as they can cause serious side-effects.

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